Family recruitment, development, and support

The National Resource Center for Diligent Recruitment (NRCDR) at AdoptUSKids provides information, tools, and technical assistance that help states, tribes, and territories improve placement stability and permanency, build capacity, and create lasting systemic change related to recruiting, developing, and supporting families for children in foster care.

A cornerstone of the NRCDR’s service delivery is a diverse team of staff and consultants who have worked on the front lines and in leadership positions in child welfare, foster care, and adoption and help child welfare systems throughout the country identify and apply best practices in diligent recruitment and retention, data-informed decision making, and system-change models.

Learn more about the free technical assistance provided by the NRCDR.

The NRCDR at AdoptUSKids has a library of dozens of free publications and other materials that provide information on topics related to diligent recruitment, covering the range of foster, adoptive, and kinship family recruitment, development, and support. They offer resources to help child welfare systems develop comprehensive diligent recruitment plans and programs including:

Access these and other resources at the NRCDR website, or contact them to learn more about the services they provide: 303-755-4756 or