Family recruitment, development, and support

The National Center for Diligent Recruitment (NCDR) provides information, tools, and technical assistance to states, tribes, and territories to increase placement stability and permanency, build capacity, and achieve systemic change in recruiting, developing, and supporting families. All efforts are aimed at improving outcomes for children and youth in foster care. 

A cornerstone of NCDR's services is a diverse team of experts with extensive experience in child welfare, foster care, and adoption. They support child welfare systems nationwide by providing free technical assistance that helps identify and implement best practices in diligent recruitment, retention, data-driven decision-making, and system-change models.

NCDR also offers a comprehensive knowledge hub that provides free resources covering various aspects of diligent recruitment. These materials assist child welfare systems in developing robust recruitment plans and programs, including:

Access these resources and more on the NCDR website, or contact us to learn more about our services: 888-200-4005 for English speakers, 877-236-7831 for Spanish speakers, or email