
Case #:06015712
Profile Updated:9/17/2024
Photo Updated:6/12/2024

Singing, dancing, and laughing are probably the three things Lola is best known for. For Lola, singing looks like any song, any time, anywhere. Same with dancing, though Lola also loves to practice and show off her moves while playing Just Dance and other fun games (Miley Cyrus is a stand-out favorite). One of her favorite things to do is go shopping for clothes or high heels or wigs—she clearly has a sense for fashion!

One of Lola's future hopes is to be able to travel. She has her sights set on international destinations like London (castles, Harry Potter), Paris ("fashion") and South America ("sunny beaches"), and would also love to explore some more domestic cities and states as well. Here is a behind-the-scenes look at her recent travel video:

Currently in 9th grade, Lola has some good supports in place to help her get on track and stay motivated in the classroom. When she has adults around to keep her focused and on top of schoolwork and learning, she does her best. At home, Lola enjoys delving into different book series that range from Harry Potter, to Twilight, to the Hannah Swenson mysteries.

Friendly and funny, Lola's caseworker shares that she’s easy to get along with—one of the many things adults appreciate about her. Her worker adds that Lola is “engaged and open when you ask her questions.” When asked what her caregivers appreciate, the answer is close to everything. Just about everyone who meets Lola are big fans. She likes to build strong connections and attachments.

In a future home, Lola says she would like to find one that that accepts her for who she is, and who supports her unconditionally. Though her team is excited to hear from any families interested in learning more about Lola, they’re particularly excited about single-mom homes, where they think Lola would thrive. If you think you could be a fit with Lola, we want to hear from you!

Lola is also featured on the Northwest Adoption Exchange website. Please check out her profile for the possibility of additional photos, videos, and inquiry information. All worker inquiries should be made through the NWAE website. We cannot accept any inquiries through email.

Profile current as of June 7, 2024.

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